Chappaquiddick Wampanoags continue to practice our traditional customs of hunting, fishing, trapping and gathering on our ancestral homelands. Indigenous Food Sovereignty recognizes the rights of our community to have access and control our natural resources in order to restore our food systems and protect the health and sustenance of our people, while implementing traditional ecological knowledge.
Wampanoag Hunting, Fishing, Trapping and Gathering Rights are protected federally via The United States v. Winans, 198 U.S. 371 (1905).
Below is the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Resolution Recognizing and Protecting the Ancient and Aboriginal Claim of the Indians of the Commonwealth. Wampanoags have a right to access the wildlife of this land for the sustenance of our families, with no need for a permit.
More information regarding Aboriginal Rights can be found on the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe page titled "Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Aboriginal Rights"
Indigenous Rights
Environmental Justice and Indigenous Food Sovereignty are only possible when Indigenous rights are acknowledge in action through lands returned. Wampanoag people have a right to self determine, practice our culture and use of our lands. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples outlines the human rights violations we have faced and the UN recommendation for protection of our rights.
Our way of life remains mindful of our impact on the environment as we are directly connected to this land as Wampanoags. We are born of this land, live and give to this land, as it sustains us and we return to its earth and the cycle continues. This cycle of giving and reciprocity is in opposition to the colonial mindset and is absolutely necessary for the survival of not only our community, but every living being on this planet.
Below are resources to support the health of our lands and waters on our Island: Guidance on recycling and reducing waste during travel, and local farms/non-profit organizations that provide Island residents with the ability to minimize their carbon footprint while promoting sustainable lifeways.
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Island Grown Initiative
Slip Away Farm
Island Grown Initiative aims to create a teaching center for regenerative and resilient agriculture practices at its 40-acre farm at the heart of Martha's Vineyard Island.
Slip Away Farm is a small-scale vegetable and flower farm located on Chappaquiddick. Their goal is to produce high quality, organically grown flowers, fruits and vegetables for the island community.
Morning Glory Farm
Family farm on Martha’s Vineyard with a busy farmstand, bakery & kitchen, Morning Glory Farm grows food for the whole Island community.